If you own horse stalls and you are always buying horse stall mats you’ll want to read on.
Triple B Stalls will be introducing a completely new horse stall flooring system. No more horse stall mats needed. This horse stall mat system never needs to be washed. We’ll also be selling a chemical that is horse friendly that you spray on the system and it eats the urine and ammonia safely. We will let you know as soon as this horse stall flooring system is available.
You’ll be able to choose between 10 different horse stall flooring system colors. Our brand new horse stall flooring systems last the life of your horse stall. No one else in the horse stall industry is offering this product but Triple B Stalls.
Along with our horse stalls flooring system Triple B Stalls is the only company that manufactures horse stall frames using our exclusive aluminum J Channel frame. This means fast and efficient board replacement for you. With every other horse stall manufacturer when a board breaks you have to take the whole entire panel apart and remove several pieces to replace board. Not with Triple B Stalls and our exclusive J Channel frame.Call Triple B Stalls today to learn more about how we manufacturer our horse stalls.